Quick Hitters on Leadership
By Mike Dunlap - Head Coach, Loyola Marymount University
1) Criticism is a potion for growth: Best delivered with praise as the partner
2) Leaders take criticism: Some deserved, some ignorant
3) Adversity is like the mailman: He delivers whether you like it or not
4) Tough decisions for the few and easy decisions for the many
5) Leaders suffer: Sometimes in public and sometimes alone
6) The art of leadership is surrounding yourself with good people who are frequently more knowledgeable than you, delegating, and then just shutting up and following
7) Think like this: The other person has it tougher than me; what can I do to help? How can we bothwin? When you think like that ideas flow and leadership is born.
8) Energy, enthusiasm, and a positive outlook: All qualities that every leader must have because the alternative makes you quite ordinary
9) Problems are WHY you are in the big chair: First, expect them, investigate them, wrestle with them from both sides, break them down into smaller parts, prioritize those that can be solved quickly, and those that must wait: not all problems have immediate or simple solutions
10) Nothing is forever: Humor lightens most heavy loads; the leader sees and delights in sharing thecomical, the ironic, the lighthearted glimmer of hope when all others are fretting